Sin No Longer Reigns in me ... For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace. Romans 6:14
Our Sanctification in Christ - Romans 6:1-23. As Born Again Disciples of Jesus Christ, we have been forever forgiven, justified before our Holy God, the Penalty of Sin taken care of, and given Eternal Life. The POWER of SIN has been broken and we are no longer slaves of SIN, anymore. NOW, we must cooperate with God by loving, trusting, and OBEYING God so that we can experience His Sanctification in our lives AFTER Salvation (the process of God making us Holy, to be more like Jesus).
Bible Text: Romans 7:1-25 | Pastor: Pastor Andy Thomas | Series: Doctrinal Foundations: Romans | The LAW and a Young Pharisee - Romans 7:1-25 Paul the Apostle's testimony of coming…
Life in Christ - Life in the Spirit - Romans 8:1-17 | Our LIFE in Christ, being Born Again in Christ, means that we have God's Holy Spirit living within us
The Spirit of God - Who and What is the Holy Spirit? What is His Mission? How should this TRUTH affect us?
Suffering for the Sake of Christ - Romans 8:14-25 ... Tribulation and Persecution will happen to Christians because of our witness for Christ
Sanctification and Glory - Romans 8:12-30 | God is transforming us into the image of Christ and His Goal is our Glorification in Christ. When Christ is revealed in Glory, we will be, as well.
We are Victors! We are More Than Conquerors in Christ who loves us. The Gospel causes former enemies of God to become Overcoming Conquerors in Christ and for Christ!
The Gospel is about: Jesus Christ and His Mission to Save Sinners. The GOSPEL of CHRIST is REAL and PERSONAL, Transformational and Impactful FOREVER.
God, Israel, the Messiah, and the Gospel: The Relationship of the Gospel of Christ with Israel, God's Sovereignty, and the Mission of the Gospel
God, Israel, the Messiah, and the Gospel - Part 2 - Romans 9: The Relationship of Israel to the Gospel of Christ, God's Sovereignty, God's Mercy, and God's Word, etc.
God, Israel, the Messiah, and the Gospel of Christ - part 4: A deeper study into the relationship of the Gospel of Christ, the Messiah of Israel, and the chosen people of God (i.e.: Israel) and how both Gentiles and Israelis have the same access, now, to God through Jesus Christ
God, Israel, the Messiah, and the Gospel of Christ - part 6 - Romans 11:16-36 = Broken Branches, Grafted Branches, Roots, and the "Olive Tree of God" . . . God's Faithfulness, the Fullness of the Gentiles, and the Salvation of Israel - LIFE from the Dead . . .
Review of Romans chapters 1 thru 11 - The Gospel of Christ ... God's Righteousness, Justice, Wrath, Justification, Redemption, Love, Mercy, Grace, Forgiveness, Transformed Lives in Christ . . .
Surrendering to God with all that we are, have, and do as a Living and Holy Sacrifice unto God. Renewing our Minds in the Word of God causes us to be Transformed into the Image of Christ by the Spirit of God.
What are the ingredients God provides for a local church family to be a healthy, victorious church?
Foundations of Church for Body Life Ministry - Part 2 - Romans 12:1-8 - Using our Spiritual Gifts from God to Build up the Body of Christ so that we can be more effective in reaching the lost for Christ
How do we get our Gifts from the Holy Spirit? What are some of them? How are we to use our Gifts and for what, overall, reason?
God's Love at the Core - How are we to BE as a local church family? How are we to Exercise our Spiritual Gifts? What is the atmosphere and attitude within our church family supposed to be like? How are we to be toward those outside of Christ?
The Fabric, Attitudes, Relationships, and Specific Pastoral Leadership of the local church are fueled by the Word of God, the Love of God, His Spiritual Gifts, and His Surrendered, Humble, Caring Disciples who are Servants of Christ - ready for the Battle as Warriors for Christ, for the Sake of the Gospel - the Great Commission.
How are Christians to relate to Government? What are the 3 Institutions that God Created? How does the Church relate to Government?
To Love with God's Love is why we exist, in Christ. Sharing God's Love and Truth for the Gospel's sake is one of the reasons why God redeemed us in Christ and left us here on earth. Your heart must be filled to overflowing with God's Love in order for His Love to spill out onto others around us.
Urgently Wake Up and Join the Fight, as Warriors for Christ, following our Mighty Warrior, Christ, into the battlefield to save the lost from coming judgment with the LIGHT of the Gospel of Christ
What are we to do with those Quirky Christians? The Apostle Paul addresses these folks and how, we, individually and as a local church, are to relate to them. Are you a Quirky Christian? Do you know anyone like that? Listen Online and Find out what God says about Quirky Christians
Preparations for Missions - Romans 15:1-13 - The Atmosphere of God's Love within Body LIFE Ministry should, supernaturally, lead us to be seeking to fulfill the Great Commission. We need to look beyond our local fellowship, to the ends of the earth for the Gospel's sake.