Church - The Beginnings - Part 1 The Foundations of the Church rests upon Christ and the Teachings of the Apostles of Christ. What are the foundational concepts that we…
Timing is Everything. God wants us to know His Timing. But, sometimes He wants us to focus of the Timing of something He is about to do, more importantly compared…
How does the Ascension of Christ to Heaven relate to the Coming of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost? How does the Coming of the Holy Spirit impact…
Church - The Beginnings - Part 4 What did the Disciples and Apostles of Christ do for 10 days after the Ascension of Christ and before the Day of Pentecost?…
The Fulfillment of Shavuot / Pentecost - The Church was born - Born of the Spirit. Find out how God orchestrated the fulfillment of this Feast Day to bring in…
The Creation of "Jesus Community" - Community of Faith in Christ - The Kingdom of God Fellowship ... This Newly Created Body of Christ was Wonderful, Miraculous, Loving, Joyful, Prayerful, and…
Community of Faith in Christ - Gathering Together Publicly - AND - from House to House. How did their contexts and modes of gathering help to foster their spiritual and…
In their normal, everyday routine, Peter and John were walking to the Temple, just like every day, but then, God intervened. A Miraculous Healing, the Gospel is proclaimed, and thousands…
Miracles, The Gospel of Christ, and Persecution. Why does God allow Persecution? What should be our response as the church, today? To find out more, please, tune in. Also, don't…
Miracles of God, the Gospel, and Persecution. Would you proclaim Jesus Christ, the Gospel and the Word of God even when it might cost you your life? Will you stand strong in the face of Persecution, and continue to spread God's Word in spite of the threats?
Church - The Beginnings - Part 11 -- Healing at the Temple - Part 4
Bold, Evangelistic, Gospel-Spreading Prayer
Did you know that Jesus and His Apostles gave us commands, principles, and examples of Evangelistic Prayer? Is your Prayer-Life filled with Mission-Supporting, Evangelistic Prayer? Listen online, now, to learn how you can enhance your prayer-life with Evangelistic Prayer.
Why is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ so important to Proving the Truthfulness of Christianity? Find out, now, by Listening Online and/or Watch Online (online video). Also, don't forget to…
Church - The Beginnings, part 13. The Community of Faith, Finances, and the Fear of the LORD. Why is lying to the Holy Spirit so dangerous? How does the Fear of the LORD relate to the Spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
Obediently Preaching the Gospel - No Matter What
Would you risk everything, even your own life, for spreading the Gospel of Christ?
The Apostles and early disciples of Jesus Christ did.
How does the Fear of the LORD relate to the Gospel of Christ?
What was the secret behind the Apostles' Boldness in Spreading the Gospel of Christ? How can we be bold like they were?
How does qualified church leadership affect the spread of the Word of God?
How did God's intervention avert a disaster in the early church?
What is God's Way of Leadership?
How does God-Provided Leadership Help the local church? What does "Equipping" mean in Ephesians 4:12? How does a proper understanding of this word help us to see God's Goals with for church eldership-leadership?
Simply Biblical Church Leadership - Leadership: God's Way - Part 3
What Foundations and/or Roots of Leadership were the Apostles looking to, to develop a Simply Biblical System of Leadership for this new church?
What type of Leadership System did God provide to Moses that the Apostles used?
What is the Picture, the Shape, and the Form of God's Way of Leadership? How can everyone within the Body of Christ be cared for and equipped? What does God's System of "Span of Care" and Equipping look like?
Courageous Holy Warrior for Christ - This is who Stephen was and still is today. What can we learn from his life of courageous faith in Christ?
Stephen was a Courageous Holy Warrior for Christ. He is a Hero of the Christian Faith. Stephen's Faith impacted and influenced thousands. Why? How?
After the Martyrdom of Stephen and the massive persecution that arose, led by Saul of Tarsus, Philip made his way to Samaria and beyond. Listen Online and/or Watch Online to find out the Gospel Ministry Successes he experienced and the major Challenges he faced. What can we learn from this man's life of faith in Christ?
Why did Jesus choose Saul? The greatest of persecutors of the church, and he gets saved. How is that fair? What can we learn from this very, very UNIQUE event in History? How should this spur us on toward Prayer and Evangelism?
For more, please, go to:
Also, if you want to watch the entire series, please, go to:
The Salvation of Saul of Tarsus, part 2. In this second part of looking at the Salvation and then subsequent beginnings of ministry of Saul of Tarsus, we'll discover how Saul's encounter with Jesus turned his life upside down. The Persecutor will become the persecuted and become, quite the basket case.
The Salvation of Saul of Tarsus, part 3. In this third part, we are looking at the ministry of Saul after his conversion/salvation and experiencing some persecution, flee from Damascus to Jerusalem. We are looking at how his life of Gospel Ministry starts to develop.