Who is the church Founded upon? What is her Mission? How is she to accomplish her Mission? The answers to these questions are encapsulated in these verses. Jesus Christ gives…
The household of God, the church of the living God, the PILLAR and FOUNDATION of the TRUTH. What are we to Proclaim, Live According to, and Support? The TRUTH, the…
The Bride of Christ - The Victorious, Triumphant, Holy, Spotless, Blameless, Glorious Bride of Christ . . . is the Aim of Christ for us.
In our Part 4 of our 'The Victorious & Glorious Church' series - we look at this next PICTURE of the Church as a Living, Holy, Spiritual Temple that is…
Why is the church called a Kingdom of Priests? What does it mean to be the Royal Priesthood of Christ? Where does this "Picture" come from?
The church is the Household of God, the Household of the Faith. How is the local church like a "household", like a family? Why is this so SPECIAL? How is…