First Things First ... before we start delving into End-Times Prophecy ... before we delve into the wonders of God's Faithfulness to His Holy Word, the Bible ... we need…
Zechariah 5 - The Mystery of the Flying Scroll and the Woman in the Basket. Is that what is really going on here? Or is it something entirely different? Does…
The Rapture of the True Church is really going to happen some day, soon. This is our "Blessed Hope" that we look forward to (Titus 2:13). Do you eagerly long…
When we get to Heaven, we will be Worshiping God, the Creator and Redeemer, FOREVER. If you don't want to do that, then Heaven is NOT your future home. But,…
What is the Scroll in God's Right Hand? Why is it so important? Why is John crying convulsively? How does the Scroll relate to Adam & Eve and to the…
Six Seals of the Scroll of Revelation chapter 6 are unrolled by Jesus Christ. What does each "seal" represent? Chapter 6 is like a Table of Contents overview of the…
The Sealing & Mission of the 144,000 Israeli Missionaries . . . the Fruit of their Gospel Missionary work during the First Half of the Great Tribulation brings in a…
What is the relationship of the book of Revelation to Daniel. How does the 7 year Great Tribulation relate to Daniel chapter 9? How does the 70th week of Daniel…
The Beginning of the 7 Trumpet Judgments The beginning of God's Direct Intervention with "Natural Disasters", by the hand of Angelic Beings, from Heaven to Earth. The beginning of the…
The 5th Trumpet Judgment - Demon Uprising (part 1) Who are these demons that come up out of the bottomless pit? Where is the bottomless pit? What kind of harm…
The 6th Trumpet Judgment gives us many clues as to where the AntiChrist's Empire (the Beast Kingdom) will rise from ... out of the ashes of those previous Empires centered…
Why is God pressing the Pause Button? Why is this Mighty Angel being presented in the way that he is being revealed in Revelation 10? What is significant about the…
The Tribulation Temple, Two Witnesses and The Beast During first 3.5 years of the 7 year Great Tribulation, the Jewish Temple will be rebuilt on the Temple Mount. The Sacrifices…
What do the Signs represent? Who is the Woman? Who is the Child she gives birth to? Who is the Dragon (or the Serpent)? How is this related to what…
The focus of this message is regarding the Beast that rises up out of the Sea. What is it that John is seeing? How does this Beast relate to Daniel…
The False Prophet is the "Beast" that looks like Jesus (a lamb with two horns) but he speaks like the Dragon (Satanic Message) - he is a counterfeit Jesus, a…
Daniel 11:21-45 provides us with another angle from which to view this future Beast, the AntiChrist. The value of this passage is that is narrows down, even more, the geographical region…
Jesus answers the Disciples' Questions regarding the Future. In His answer, He talks about the Age of the Gospel [which includes the Destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D.] (verses…
The Lamb of God appears on Mount Zion, The 144,000 are with Him, then they are in Heaven. What is the significance of this? Mount Zion? Jesus Christ, the Lamb…
After the Rapture of the 144,000 Israeli Missionaries (vv. 1-5), we encounter a few Angels Announcing various Messages, some Good, some very Judgmental. God is getting ready to pour out…
The Seven Bowls of God's Wrath are God's Final Judgment against the enemies of God and of His people. These Bowls of Wrath represent God's Vengeance against all those who…
God will destroy Mystery Babylon, that unique Religio-Politico-Economic System that wants Full Global Control, that which has existed since Nimrod and the Tower of Babel (Gen. 10). This is what…
God will destroy Mystery Babylon's City, her 7th and final resting place. She thinks that she sits as queen and will never be defeated. She has committed prostitution along with…
A Funeral, a Wedding and Armageddon for our Honeymoon The Funeral of Mystery Babylon will be a Heavenly Celebration. The last nail will be pounded into her coffin. God is…
After the Great Tribulation is over, one of Christ's angels will bind Satan and his demons for 1000 years, and Christ's Bride will rule and reign with Christ (the Messiah) over…