Messiah in the Passover – 7:30 PM – March 30th, 2018
RSVP by 03/22/2018
*** Venue to be determined based upon response ***
To Attend, you must RSVP to
To Attend, you must Bring a Biblically Clean Dinner Dish (crock-pot, etc.) – not necessarily the modern version of Judaic-Kosher Passover Meals – but Biblically Clean (i.e.: no bacon, ham, pork, shell-fish, no yeast, no leaven, etc.)
Suggestions for PASSOVER Meal Recipes:
- Now You’re Cooking – Your Passover Supper
- Messianic Passover Supper Recipes
- Pesach (Passover) Cooking Tips
God Bless y’all