I am so glad that you’ve been praying for us. Again, thank you so much, and please continue to keep praying for us.
We’ve been praying about this and we believe God wants us to Refine the Focus of our Praying according the following:
- Praying that God would supply some New CORE TEAM Families, younger families with children (go to: CORE TEAM PAGE )
We are seeking God for local “Households of Peace” who will partner with us and put their hands to the plow and not look back ==> for Christ’s Sake, for the Gospel’s Sake according to Matthew 10:11-13 & Luke 10:5-6. God has made it very clear to us, that on our Core Team, we MUST have at least 2 to 5 more families that meet certain criteria in order for this church planting venture to result in a Healthy, Vital, Disciple-Making/Reproducing, and Gospel/Missional Community (i.e. a biblical, local church family) in Christ Jesus our LORD. Please go to our CORE TEAM PAGE to find out more about the criteria for being on the Core Team. Unless we have folks like this on our Core Team, we may not be able to fully plant this new church. This does not mean that these are some sort of perfect folks who’ve all graduated from Seminary, who walk on water, etc. It has more to do with Commitment, Focus, Availability, Teachability, Usability, Spiritual/Biblical Maturity, etc. Thus, we are Praying to God that He would miraculously supply these folks, directing them, preparing them, and guiding them to us to join in us. They would be folks who would put their hands to the plow and NOT look back. Committed, Consistent, Available, Usable, Teachable, Servant-Hearted, Ready to Work and Use their Gifts/Talents/Treasures/Abilities for Christ, the Gospel’s Sake. They would not be folks who are looking to have their needs met by other people or have their needs met by folks who are in their exact life circumstances, etc. but are here to contribute and get to work, etc. - Praying for a Harvest:
Although there are many good churches in the area, and good “church going folks” … with the new and exploding growth of new neighborhoods in our local area, in various stages of construction, some almost completed, some recently completed, etc. here on Johns Island. We cannot keep up with the demand that will be created because of this exploding growth … for new churches that will be needed in our area. Also, Christians, real, genuine, born again Christians that are moving into our area, they will need some new churches to join and to be a part of. New LIFE Fellowship is strategically being placed by God in this, new, exploding growth area. Please, pray that we can effectively and fruitfully reach out to lost folks in the area with the real, biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ, in the Power of the Holy Spirit and make, grow, and multiply disciples of Jesus Christ who reproduce disciples, to the Glory of God. - Pray for Yvette and Pastor Andy …
We need your prayers to keep our Focus on God in Christ Jesus our LORD and Savior. To love each other, for our marriage to be strong in Christ, to love the folks that God has given us, in Christ, in New LIFE so far, and to not get burned out, but REST in Jesus Christ and seek Him so that He gets all the Glory regarding our lives and that of New LIFE Fellowship, etc. We need God’s Encouragement, Guidance, Direction … etc… as well as more collaboration with other pastors, churches, etc. as God leads, etc.
We believe this is how we need to be focused in our praying over New LIFE Fellowship … like a Laser Beam focused on its target.
Please, join with us, to consistently pray for New LIFE Fellowship in this way.
God Bless y’all Super-Abundantly in Christ Jesus our God, King, LORD, and Savior
Pastor Andy Thomas
New LIFE Fellowship, Johns Island, SC