A Funeral, a Wedding and Armageddon for our Honeymoon

A Funeral, a Wedding and Armageddon for our Honeymoon

Passage: Revelation 19:1-21
Service Type:

Bible Text: Revelation 19:1-21 | Pastor: Pastor Andy Thomas | Series: Jesus Reveals the Future | A Funeral, a Wedding and Armageddon for our Honeymoon
The Funeral of Mystery Babylon will be a Heavenly Celebration. The last nail will be pounded into her coffin. God is GOOD – therefore He must Judge SIN. He will completely pour out His Wrath upon Babylon (her pagan, demonic, religious, political, and economic system). Mecca will be destroyed, and Heaven will rejoice. The next scene is about a Wedding. The Wedding of Jesus Christ to His Bride (the church) in Heaven. It also relates to an Awards Banquet, the BEMA Seat of Christ. Jesus will be fully Glorified in and through the Body of Christ, in Heaven, at this Cosmic Wedding of the Ages. And for our Honeymoon, Jesus is going to take us to Israel and the Middle East. We will get to ride our brand new Heavenly, Interstellar, Interdimensional Horses as we follow Jesus from Heaven to Earth into the last two Battles of the ages, to defeat the AntiChrist and his forces at Armageddon and in the area around Mecca. To find out more, please Listen Online – AND – Don’t forget to download the PowerPoint and Bible Study Notes, as well.

To View the Whole Series, “Jesus Reveals the Future”, please, to go to: http://NLFJI.org/REV

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