Discovering the Super-Abundant Proofs, Evidences, and FACTS

Discovering the Super-Abundant Proofs, Evidences, and FACTS

Passage: Romans 1:18-23
Service Type:

Bible Text: Romans 1:18-23 | Pastor: Pastor Andy Thomas | Series: Doctrinal Foundations: Romans | Doctrinal Foundations: Romans
Discovering the Super-Abundant Proofs, Evidences, and FACTS that the Living and True God Exists, He is REAL.
The Bible says that We are without excuse.
The God of the Bible has clearly shown us more evidence
than we can even imagine. ( Romans 1:18-22 )

Today (12/14/2014), we watched a Video that explained some of this Evidence:
The Programming Of Life – Video (<– clickable link)

How could all the Highly Structured Engineering Design
and Highly Complex Information Systems found in Living Cells
happen by accident? Could it have? Would it even be possible?

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