The Bible says that We are without excuse. The God of the Bible has clearly shown us more evidence than we can even imagine. ( Romans 1:18-22 )
Doctrinal Foundations: Romans - Where Does The Evidence Lead?
Not even the Religious, Devout, Circumcised Jewish person can make it into heaven on his own merits - they are still sinners
Discussing the Unique position of Israel - also discussing how we are all under sin - No wiggle room before God's Coming Judgment
Romans 3:9-26 - Our Sin and God's Righteousness. Our depravity and God's Redemption, Grace and Mercy
Jesus Christ our Justifier, our Redeemer, our LORD and Savior
Romans: Two Kingdoms: The Kingdom of Darkness and The Kingdom of LIGHT. The Warfare of the ages, Jesus brings the VICTORY!
What did Abraham and David Find? What is GRACE? Accounted what?
Abraham, Circumcision, and FAITH - Romans 4:1-15
How the Gospel of Jesus Christ applies to Us because of God's Promises to Abraham. Romans 4:15-25
God Demonstrated, Demonstrates, and will forever Demonstrate His Love to us. He rescued us from the Wrath and Judgment of God. In Christ, we are Rescued, Redeemed, Reconciled, and LOVED beyond measure.
God DEMONSTRATES His LOVE in Christ - part 2. Contrasting The World's Love to God's Love ... no comparison, no competition, God's LOVE wins!!!
The IMPACT of SIN, Revisited - Romans 5:12-21. The extent and power of sin's impact, among humans and throughout the universe ... only Jesus can Save us...
The Spirit of God - Who and What is the Holy Spirit? What is His Mission? How should this TRUTH affect us?
We are Victors! We are More Than Conquerors in Christ who loves us. The Gospel causes former enemies of God to become Overcoming Conquerors in Christ and for Christ!
The Gospel is about: Jesus Christ and His Mission to Save Sinners. The GOSPEL of CHRIST is REAL and PERSONAL, Transformational and Impactful FOREVER.
God, Israel, the Messiah, and the Gospel: The Relationship of the Gospel of Christ with Israel, God's Sovereignty, and the Mission of the Gospel
God, Israel, the Messiah, and the Gospel - Part 2 - Romans 9: The Relationship of Israel to the Gospel of Christ, God's Sovereignty, God's Mercy, and God's Word, etc.
Israel and the Righteousness of God - Romans 10:1-13 - Israelis are saved in the same way that Gentiles are saved ... No Distinction ... Although they are the Chosen People of God, they too must be saved by their Messiah, as well.
God, Israel, the Messiah, and the Gospel of Christ - part 4: A deeper study into the relationship of the Gospel of Christ, the Messiah of Israel, and the chosen people of God (i.e.: Israel) and how both Gentiles and Israelis have the same access, now, to God through Jesus Christ
God, Israel, the Messiah, and the Gospel of Christ - part 5: Romans 11:1-15 - God's Sovereignty, God's Saving Grace, and God's Plans for Israel with the Gospel of Christ
God, Israel, the Messiah, and the Gospel of Christ - part 6 - Romans 11:16-36 = Broken Branches, Grafted Branches, Roots, and the "Olive Tree of God" . . . God's Faithfulness, the Fullness of the Gentiles, and the Salvation of Israel - LIFE from the Dead . . .
Review of Romans chapters 1 thru 11 - The Gospel of Christ ... God's Righteousness, Justice, Wrath, Justification, Redemption, Love, Mercy, Grace, Forgiveness, Transformed Lives in Christ . . .
Surrendering to God with all that we are, have, and do as a Living and Holy Sacrifice unto God. Renewing our Minds in the Word of God causes us to be Transformed into the Image of Christ by the Spirit of God.
What are the ingredients God provides for a local church family to be a healthy, victorious church?