The AntiChrist rising (the Islamic Connection):
This is a list of End-Times Prophecy Teachings by Pastor Andy Thomas that exposes the connections to the Rise of Islam, globally:
- The Scroll, the Seals & God’s Wrath Revealed – Rev. 6
- The 5th Trumpet Judgment – Demon Uprising (part 1)
- The Tribulation Temple, Two Witnesses and The Beast
- Signs and War in the Heavens – Rev. 12
- The Beast and His Empire – Rev. 13 – part 1
- The False Prophet – The Beast and His Empire – Rev. 13 – part 2
- The King of the North – the AntiChrist – Daniel 11:21-45
- Preparations for the 7 Bowls of God’s Wrath
- The Pouring out of the 7 Bowls of Wrath – Rev. 16
- The Destruction of Mystery Babylon
- The Destruction of the City of Babylon
- A Funeral, a Wedding and Armageddon for our Honeymoon
These Bible Study Teachings reveal, beyond any shadow of doubt, the relationship between the Prophesied Rise of the Future Anti-Christ and the intimate connection to the Rise of Global Islam.
Don’t forget to pray for those under the deception and delusion of Islam – that God, in Christ, will save some out of that demonic ideology before the days of the Rise of the Anti-Christ (2 Thessalonians 2:1-12; Revelation 11-14)
If you wish to study along with the entire series: Jesus Reveals the Future, please go to:
God Bless y’all,
Pastor Andy Thomas