Foundations of Church for Body Life Ministry - Part 2 - Romans 12:1-8 - Using our Spiritual Gifts from God to Build up the Body of Christ so that we can be more effective in reaching the lost for Christ
How do we get our Gifts from the Holy Spirit? What are some of them? How are we to use our Gifts and for what, overall, reason?
God's Love at the Core - How are we to BE as a local church family? How are we to Exercise our Spiritual Gifts? What is the atmosphere and attitude within our church family supposed to be like? How are we to be toward those outside of Christ?
The Fabric, Attitudes, Relationships, and Specific Pastoral Leadership of the local church are fueled by the Word of God, the Love of God, His Spiritual Gifts, and His Surrendered, Humble, Caring Disciples who are Servants of Christ - ready for the Battle as Warriors for Christ, for the Sake of the Gospel - the Great Commission.
How are Christians to relate to Government? What are the 3 Institutions that God Created? How does the Church relate to Government?
To Love with God's Love is why we exist, in Christ. Sharing God's Love and Truth for the Gospel's sake is one of the reasons why God redeemed us in Christ and left us here on earth. Your heart must be filled to overflowing with God's Love in order for His Love to spill out onto others around us.
Urgently Wake Up and Join the Fight, as Warriors for Christ, following our Mighty Warrior, Christ, into the battlefield to save the lost from coming judgment with the LIGHT of the Gospel of Christ
Preparations for Missions - Romans 15:1-13 - The Atmosphere of God's Love within Body LIFE Ministry should, supernaturally, lead us to be seeking to fulfill the Great Commission. We need to look beyond our local fellowship, to the ends of the earth for the Gospel's sake.
Our Mission to the Unreached Gentiles - Romans 15:14-21 - A healthy, local church family is ready for the Mission, the Great Commission. We seek to bring the nations (people groups) into the "Obedience of the Faith" in Christ
Our Mission Together - Romans 15:22-33 - Every local church family MUST be on-Mission. Individual, local churches, in Christ, need to collaborate together for World-wide, Global Gospel Mission and for Christian Humanitarian Assistance. This is Our Mission Together.
Paul's Mission Team and Some Final Words - Romans 16:1-27 - Paul's Mission Team is introduced. He Warns and Encourages the church in Rome. Examples of Collaboration seen in deep and lasting Relationships in Gospel Ministry are explored. Finally, Warnings are heeded, and Triumphant & Victorious Encouragement of Missions Success are Anticipated and Expected . . .
Bible Text: Revelation 1:1-3:22 | Pastor: Pastor Andy Thomas | Series: Jesus Christ Evaluates His Churches | What are the Implications and Impact of those 7 churches in Revelation 2…
Bible Text: Acts 1:1-3 | Pastor: Pastor Andy Thomas | Series: Church – The Beginnings | Church - The Beginnings - Part 1 The Foundations of the Church rests upon…
Bible Text: Acts 1:1-8 | Pastor: Pastor Andy Thomas | Series: Church – The Beginnings | Timing is Everything. God wants us to know His Timing. But, sometimes He wants…
Bible Text: Acts 4:32-33 | Pastor: Pastor Andy Thomas | Series: Church – The Beginnings | Why is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ so important to Proving the Truthfulness of…
Church - The Beginnings, part 13. The Community of Faith, Finances, and the Fear of the LORD. Why is lying to the Holy Spirit so dangerous? How does the Fear of the LORD relate to the Spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
Obediently Preaching the Gospel - No Matter What
Would you risk everything, even your own life, for spreading the Gospel of Christ?
The Apostles and early disciples of Jesus Christ did.
How does the Fear of the LORD relate to the Gospel of Christ?
What was the secret behind the Apostles' Boldness in Spreading the Gospel of Christ? How can we be bold like they were?
Courageous Holy Warrior for Christ - This is who Stephen was and still is today. What can we learn from his life of courageous faith in Christ?
Stephen was a Courageous Holy Warrior for Christ. He is a Hero of the Christian Faith. Stephen's Faith impacted and influenced thousands. Why? How?
After the Martyrdom of Stephen and the massive persecution that arose, led by Saul of Tarsus, Philip made his way to Samaria and beyond. Listen Online and/or Watch Online to find out the Gospel Ministry Successes he experienced and the major Challenges he faced. What can we learn from this man's life of faith in Christ?
Why did Jesus choose Saul? The greatest of persecutors of the church, and he gets saved. How is that fair? What can we learn from this very, very UNIQUE event in History? How should this spur us on toward Prayer and Evangelism?
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The Salvation of Saul of Tarsus, part 3. In this third part, we are looking at the ministry of Saul after his conversion/salvation and experiencing some persecution, flee from Damascus to Jerusalem. We are looking at how his life of Gospel Ministry starts to develop.
Bible Text: Acts 9:32-43 | Pastor: Pastor Andy Thomas | Series: Church – The Beginnings | How is Peter an Example of Christ to us? The Miracles God caused to…
Bible Text: Acts 10:1-48 | Pastor: Pastor Andy Thomas | Series: Church – The Beginnings | The First Group of Gentiles, non-Jews, non-Israelis, Hear and Respond to the Gospel of…